In Rupture, Loss and Living: Minority Women Speak about Post-Conflict Life, K. Lalitha and Deepa Dhanraj bring out the voices of Muslim women targeted during riots.

Bilkis Bano with her husband Yakoob and their daughter before a press conference in New Delhi on May 8. Credit: Shome Basu
On May 4, 2017, the Bilkis Bano gangrape case was in the news again, when the Bombay high court upheld the lower court’s order of life imprisonment for the 11 convicted persons in the gangrape. It also rejected the acquittals of five policemen and two government doctors accused of covering up evidence and testimonies. The order has been hailed as ‘historic’, the first time that state complicity, that of the police and the doctors, has been clearly acknowledged by the judiciary, even if the sentence is a mere three years.